UniSIG - Revisor: The revision philosophy behind an obsolete spelling

From 12 February 2021 10:00 CET until 12 February 2021 11:00 CET

At Zoom online meeting

Posted by Joy Burrough-Boenisch



Categories: SIG meetings

Hits: 1192

February's UniSIG online meeting is built around a short presentation by Lisa Muszynski, who holds a PhD in Social Sciences (University of Helsinki, 2017) and has been employed in the Language Services unit of the University of Helsinki Language Centre since spring of 2001. She writes: 'As an independent researcher focused on the embodied nature of language, I bring to my research the practical, everyday experience of revising the texts of my academic clients. This union of theory and practice, in both researching on and actively working with language, has led to the mutual enrichment of both endeavours.' Here's a link to a blog that gives more details on her work.

This is how she describes her talk: 'The demands of careful revision work in a professional, academic setting at the University of Helsinki's Language Services require riding the hard-and-fast line between revising and editing. This boundary is built into our job title from the outset, that of "Language Revisor". Essentially, the key to successful revision is being able to strike a balance between a text's "content" and its "style". Separating these involves not only identifying the basic problems of grammar, syntax and punctuation, but also steering clear of an academic author's expert content. My talk will thus focus on some of the challenges and briefly discuss the differences between a "reader-focus" and a "writer-focus" that underpin the philosophy behind this obsolete spelling of our job title.'

After her short talk there will be time for Q&A and general discussion. As always, all SENSE members are welcome to attend this meeting, which will last about one hour. You can use the button above to register.

Registration will close at 09.00h on 11 February and registered participants will be emailed the Zoom link to the meeting.

Contact me if you wish to use attendance at this meeting to add to your PE points.

Joy Burrough-Boenisch (UniSIG convener)