Utrecht Translation SIG Meeting

From 09 January 2019 19:30 CET until 09 January 2019 21:30 CET

At Bistrot Central

Posted by Anne Hodgkinson


Categories: SIG meetings

Hits: 1067

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 9 January, again at Bistrot Centraal in Utrecht Centraal Station. Please note it is not the 10th as you might have seen earlier. I’ve reserved a table under my name for 19:30, and they’ll close up about 21:30.

There is no topic yet, so bring any wordy questions, comments, spotted trends, laments, humor, or other language-related items to share. If you have a juicy piece of text you would like the group to work on as we have done in the past, please send it to me (first come, first served) at annechodgkinson@gmail.com and I’ll distribute it to those attending.

If you’d like to come please a spot reserve using the button. 

Happy holidays and hope to see you then!

Anne Hodgkinson