5 February 2011: Copywriting SIG: meeting

Topic: the moral dimensions of copywriting

Date: Saturday, February 5th

Time: 2:00 to 4:00 pm

Location: Neude 5, 3512 AD Utrecht

Contact: Stephen Johnston


This meeting will focus on the moral aspect of copywriting. As copywriters, we are paid to write text that is supposed to influence people. So what do we do when somebody asks us to write something we don't believe in? Worse — about something we abhor?
Personally, I will never work on anything to do with the tobacco industry, so that is cut and dried for me. But there are grey areas...
It is these areas -- and what we do about them — that we will be discussing on Saturday.


This time we're trying out a new location, in Utrecht. This will hopefully make it easier for people from all over Holland to attend.

This location is the old ABN AMRO building on the corner of the 'Neude', an open square a short walk (or even a shorter bus ride) from CS. Hints that you are in the right place include a giant rabbit (it will be in the form of a sculpture unless you have stopped by one of the Coffeeshops) and the massive ABN AMRO sign above the building itself.

The specific location is being provided to us free of charge by SIG member Cathy Scott. It is on the 2nd floor of the 'Dutch Game Garden' at the ActiveWorlds Europe office. Head straight out of the lift, go through a glass door and it's the 3rd office on the right.

You can contact either of us on the day itself at:

Stephen: 06 81 18 59 29

Cathy: 06 51 31 49 51
Aside from copywriting issues, we will be discussing the best way forward in terms of when to hold our regular SIGS -- there seems to be a 50/50 split in preference between weekend afternoons and weekday evenings.