Improve your texts with PerfectIt and other productivity tools

From 19 October 2018 12:30 CEST until 19 October 2018 18:00 CEST
Hits: 2177

Checking for consistency errors and making mechanical edits is time-consuming and challenging for even the most eagle-eyed editors. With limited time and budget, software tools provide one way to deliver the best quality document. This workshop shows how PerfectIt (and other language-related productivity tools) can help so that you have more time to focus on content and other substantive edits that make a real difference to clients.

PerfectIt is an add-in for Microsoft Word that allows users to check consistency, enforce house styles and reduce errors. It finds those inconsistencies that are easy to miss – especially in long or technical documents – and offers you an easy way to correct them.

New users will receive a comprehensive introduction to what PerfectIt can do for you. But this is not just a workshop for beginners: advanced users will learn how to customize PerfectIt and build and share style sheets. You can customize style sheets to match your client’s preferences or use the built-in style sheets for British or American English, UN style, EU style or a variety of other alternatives.

The workshop will be led by Daniel Heuman (the CEO of Intelligent Editing and the original developer of PerfectIt). In addition to PerfectIt, Daniel will also describe several other productivity tools available from other companies, including:

  • WordRake
  • TextExpander
  • EdiFix
  • ClipX

This promises to be a fun and informative afternoon that will teach you how to improve and increase consistency in all your documents. And you don't have to be an editor to benefit from it: translators can use these tools to improve source texts, enforce house styles and check consistency in their translations. Don’t miss it!

PerfectIt is now available for Mac or PC. You can install the software on your PC or use the Cloud version with Office 365 on your Mac or iPad.

No laptop is required to attend (but you can bring them to work along with Daniel in the advanced sessions if you prefer).



Early-bird registration for SENSE members (until 4 pm 5 October): €125
Standard registration for SENSE members (after 4 pm 5 October):  €150

Early-bird registration for non-members (until 4 pm 5 October):  €150
Standard registration for non-members (after 4 pm 5 October):   €175



Impact Hub Amsterdam, Linnauesstraat 2C, Amsterdam

Since Park Plaza is still closed for renovations, we're holding this workshop in Amsterdam. An easy bike ride for all our Amsterdam members! The venue is next door to the Tropenmuseum and a short walk from Amsterdam Muiderpoort station and various tram lines. Why not make a day of it by visiting the museum in the morning?



12:30-13:00   Arrival, coffee and settling in. Daniel can help you download the free trial of PerfectIt on your laptop if you need help.

13:00-15:00   Using PerfectIt to check consistency and sharing and editing style sheets in PerfectIt

15:00-15:15   Break

15:15-16:30   An introduction to other productivity tools

16:30-18:00   Drinks and networking