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Working as collaborative translators in arts and culture – Danielle Carter

At the beginning of 2021, I started working together with Julia van Duijvenvoorde.

We offer a translation and copy editing package service for cultural organizations, publishers, exhibition designers, and beyond. What are the benefits of working together as a language duo? How does this work in practice? And why is this particularly beneficial when working in a niche? It’s a joy to share our passions, culture and language, and a boon to work together.

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About the presenter

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Danielle Carter is an academic copy editor and museum language services specialist. After working for several years in the arts and cultural sector, Danielle transitioned in the language industry, where she has found a niche copy editing academic books ranging from film studies to architecture to fashion, writing and editing coffee table books about arts and media, and revising translations and copy editing for cultural organizations.