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How to increase your visibility and market your services – Claire Bacon

Some language professionals find it difficult to market their services and get credit for their work. They may also wonder how they can attract the clients they really want to work with. In this talk, I will describe how I increased my visibility within the editing community to get more client referrals and networking opportunities. I will also describe how I used a content marketing approach (through regular blogging) to target my ideal clients and educate them on what language editing is and why it is needed. My goal is to help you increase awareness of the services you offer and to help you convince potential clients that you are the best person for the job.

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About the presenter

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Dr Claire Bacon obtained her PhD in neuroscience from the University of York in 2006, after which she moved to Heidelberg, Germany to work as a research scientist in the department of Human Genetics. Working in a lab with multilingual scientists, she quickly realised that many scientists struggle to publish their work in English and became the official ‘language editor’ of the lab. In 2014, Claire decided to leave academia and set up her own language business. After taking several courses in copy editing and medical editing to develop her skills, she now runs a successful editing business, working mainly for multilingual scientists whose native language is not English. She publishes a monthly blog to help her clients with their research writing and teaches courses on scientific writing and academic publishing at the University of Twente.