Recognizing and working with inductive/deductive communication styles – Nandini Bedi

Have you been in a situation where you asked your client or business partner or supplier a closed question for which you expected a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, but what you got in reply was a story? Many more words than you had counted on, and they weren’t answering your question. You could have felt like the speaker was taking you for a ride, or maybe you were confused and didn’t quite know what you should do or say to take the exchange to a fruitful end. In this presentation, I will introduce you to two different styles of communication and show how these are embedded in culture. I will also give you tips on how to recognize these styles and how to work with the one most unfamiliar to you.

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About the presenter

 Nadini Bedi

Nandini Bedi teaches English, copyedits, gives intercultural trainings and posts on her blog Via her trainings, she builds a bridge between the Netherlands and India. She does this with reverence and humour. She has settled in Oegstgeest with her partner, flown-out-of-the-nest-but-visiting twin boys and live-in cat, Sher Khan. More about her is available on

How to increase your visibility and market your services – Claire Bacon

Some language professionals find it difficult to market their services and get credit for their work. They may also wonder how they can attract the clients they really want to work with. In this talk, I will describe how I increased my visibility within the editing community to get more client referrals and networking opportunities. I will also describe how I used a content marketing approach (through regular blogging) to target my ideal clients and educate them on what language editing is and why it is needed. My goal is to help you increase awareness of the services you offer and to help you convince potential clients that you are the best person for the job.

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About the presenter

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Dr Claire Bacon obtained her PhD in neuroscience from the University of York in 2006, after which she moved to Heidelberg, Germany to work as a research scientist in the department of Human Genetics. Working in a lab with multilingual scientists, she quickly realised that many scientists struggle to publish their work in English and became the official ‘language editor’ of the lab. In 2014, Claire decided to leave academia and set up her own language business. After taking several courses in copy editing and medical editing to develop her skills, she now runs a successful editing business, working mainly for multilingual scientists whose native language is not English. She publishes a monthly blog to help her clients with their research writing and teaches courses on scientific writing and academic publishing at the University of Twente.

Spanish wine and translation: What could they possibly have in common? – Rebecca Reddin

Upon diving deeper into Spanish wine, what every biologist and humanist knows became crystal-clear to one linguist: we share a lot more than we think. Rebecca reflects on the very relatable lessons the Spanish wine industry has to offer translators and editors everywhere about process, product, identity, value and purpose. This is a chance not only to peek behind the curtain of a prestigious, delectable industry, but to start imagining: what could your clients teach you?

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About the presenter

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Rebecca Reddin has been a freelance translator, editor and subtitler working from Spanish into English since 2017. She believes the world is full of rich, eloquent, enlightening ideas and projects, and not just in the English-speaking sphere. As she specializes in the complex world of wine and scales the learning curve of business, Rebecca aims to promote her adopted home of La Rioja, Spain. She also wants reflect the ingenuity and insight of the Spanish voices around her in words that make the United-States-ian world stop and listen.

The freedom of freelancing: deciding on a digital nomad journey – Maaike Leenders

Ever dreamt of just leaving it all behind, packing a bag and simply working wherever you want to? I did. And I did. After working in-house and on the road, my three years as a freelancer have taught me there are pros and cons to both. Based on my personal experience, I will talk about what to consider when you are thinking of trying a digital nomad lifestyle. Is it possible to travel and build a business at the same time? How much freedom does it really offer? And do you actually need to upend your whole life to do it?

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About the presenter

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Maaike Leenders is a translator and project manager with a travel bug that can’t be cured. After working in-house for nearly five years, she exchanged the office for the open road and has taken every opportunity to digital nomad her way through freelance life ever since.

CPD: Changing professional development – with Lloyd Bingham

As language professionals, we place immense value on continuing professional development (CPD) to evolve our knowledge and skills so we can best serve our clients. But as the world changes, so too do our clients’ requirements and the profession. It’s our job to keep up with these changes and adapt to them.

The number of in-house translator positions is falling, while enrolment on translation degree programmes is up. Will this produce a generation of new translators entering the market without honing their skills first?

The world is switching to hybrid working and we are doing more and more CPD online. Will in-person training become a thing of past?

I will discuss the trends I have observed in the training undertaken by translators in recent years and draw conclusions on what the landscape of education and professional development for linguists will look like in the near future.

Click here to sign up for this event or to view a complete programme of all presentations.

About the presenter

Lloyd Bingham

Lloyd Bingham MITI runs Capital Translations in Cardiff, Wales. He works from Dutch, German, French and Spanish into English, specialising in business, technology and education. Lloyd is a member of SENSE and ITI, a committee member of ITI Cymru Wales and a tutor on ITI’s Starting Up as a Freelance Translator course.

Working as collaborative translators in arts and culture – Danielle Carter

At the beginning of 2021, I started working together with Julia van Duijvenvoorde.

We offer a translation and copy editing package service for cultural organizations, publishers, exhibition designers, and beyond. What are the benefits of working together as a language duo? How does this work in practice? And why is this particularly beneficial when working in a niche? It’s a joy to share our passions, culture and language, and a boon to work together.

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About the presenter

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Danielle Carter is an academic copy editor and museum language services specialist. After working for several years in the arts and cultural sector, Danielle transitioned in the language industry, where she has found a niche copy editing academic books ranging from film studies to architecture to fashion, writing and editing coffee table books about arts and media, and revising translations and copy editing for cultural organizations.

2021 Professional Development Days (PDD)

Day 1: Saturday 18 September 2021, from 10:00 to 15:00
Day 2:
Saturday 25 September 2021, from 13:00 to 17:15

With all-day networking available in the online networking platform Wonder.

2019 PDD Speakers

Come join us for our Professional Development Days, the biennial event in which SENSE members learn from (and with) other members. This year's programme is all about horizontal knowledge-sharing and learning from your peers throughout your career.

Topics include digital nomadism, the linguistics of wine, branding to money management, balancing multiple niches, collaborative translation, intercultural communication, the SENSE mentoring programme, and battling imposter’s syndrome.

We open with a plenary session called "Peer-to-peer knowledge-sharing" on day 1 and close with a plenary session called "CPD: Changing professional development" on day 2.  Choose up to nine out of 18 possible elective sessions that match your interests. And if none of the sessions interest you at any time, head on over a virtual watercooler to network with other members while you wait.

There are three panel discussions:

  • Intercultural business communication (Day 1, morning)
  • The SENSE mentoring programme (Day 1, afternoon)
  • Strategies to combat imposter's syndrome (Day 2, afternoon)

Six electives are available on both days:

  • How the language industry has changed over the past 20 (or so) years
  • The freedom of freelancing – deciding on a digital nomad journey
  • Spanish wine and translation: what could they possibly have in common?
  • How to be a specialised generalist
  • Money management: does your "boss" treat you well?
  • What gives you energy? And how do you earn a living doing that?

And nine other electives to choose from:

  • Recognising and working with inductive/deductive communication styles
  • How to increase your visibility and market your services
  • Working as collaborative translators in arts and culture
  • Maintaining language pairs
  • Personal branding: Lessons learnt through trial and (t)error
  • An ergonomic workspace: keep fit while you work
  • An editing slam
  • Keep track to keep up: organizing your workflow
  • (and a session yet to be confirmed by Christy de Back)

Of course, we haven’t forgotten about the social aspect. An unmoderated Wonder room will be available throughout the two days to allow for networking and mingling with old colleagues and new faces on the SENSE scene.  At the end of each day, we’ll have a moderated networking session.

Sign up

Tickets cost €25 for SENSE members and €40 for non-members. The ticket grants access to both days.

IMPORTANT: If you have not yet registered for this event, you can still register for Day 2 of the event. Please visit the registration page for Day 2 to register for the second day of this event.  If you have already registered for this event, your ticket is valid for both days. Members, remember to log in!

Are you not a SENSE member? Consider joining! You can find more information about joining SENSE here.

Click here for the programme.

Click here to register.


Terminology extraction and management

Angelika Zerfass

Week 30, 29 July 2021, 15:00–17:00

During this webinar, Angelika will be posing and providing answers to the following questions:
• What is a term (the view of the terminologist versus real life)?
• How are term bases structured, i.e. what kind of information can you save with your terms?
• How do you go about collecting terminology in your translation tool?
• Importing/Exporting term lists (how to structure the import list for easy import).
• How do translation tools recognize terms from the term base in the documents (settings)?
• How do translation tools check whether (forbidden) terms have been used in the translation?
• Extracting terms from text (with and without a term extraction tool).

Click here to register

About the presenter

Angelika Zerfass

After her studies at the University of Bonn, Germany (translation degree in Chinese, Japanese and Computational Linguistics), Angelika Zerfass worked for the Japanese Embassy in Bonn and then for Trados (1997-2000) as a training and support specialist in Japan, Ireland and the US. In 2000, Angelika started her own business for training, consultancy and technical support. Since then, she has been working as an independent consultant and trainer for translation tools and technologies, located in Germany. She is also a frequent speaker at conferences all over the world.

The plain truth: applying Plain Language to creating accessible, user-friendly texts

John Linnegar

Week 31, 7 August 2021, 10:00–13:00

PLAIN (the international association of plain-language professionals) has drafted this definition:

‘A written communication is in plain language if its wording, structure, and design are so clear that the intended readers can easily find what they need, understand it, and use it.”
This requires authors to make informed judgments about whether the text (”wording”) is clear enough. It also means using good organisation (“structure”) and layout (“design”) to help them navigate.’

During this webinar, the aim will be to help practitioners learn how to harness Plain Language (or plain English) principles to improve the flow, accessibility and easy comprehension of authors’ texts. The aim is to introduce participants to a suite of handy Plain Language techniques with which to turn verbose, high-register texts into those that the identified readers will find accessible and understandable at first reading.

‘The message is important, not the fancy language wrapped around it.’
(George Orwell)

It’s astonishing how many writers feel they need to ‘dress up’ their writing to the extent that they lose their natural (aka plain) voice completely! Their reasons are no doubt many: from wanting to impress to needing to sound important or authoritative – and sometimes even because their boss or professor ‘writes like that, so it must be good’! But in this day and age we should rather be ‘dressing down’ writing to make it more accessible and flow better. Where writers themselves are incapable of doing so, the task usually falls to us wordsmiths to dress (not dumb!) writing down.

We need to make authors’ words clear and straightforward, using only as many words as are necessary. Plain Language helps us to do so by dispensing with the ‘fancy language wrapped around [their words]’: obscurity, inflated vocabulary and convoluted sentence constructions. Applying Plain Language principles systematically, our aim is to render the authors’ messages readily understood at first reading.

By the end of this online workshop you will be able, with confidence, to:
● convert long, complex sentences into shorter compound or simple ones;
● replace, where possible, passive voice (O-V-S) constructions with active ones (S-V-O);
● remove embedded clauses from complex sentences;
● replace ‘difficult’ polysyllabic words and jargon with more everyday, accessible synonyms (eg ‘remuneration’ with ‘pay’ or ‘wage’);
● make impenetrable noun strings accessible by inserting prepositions and articles into them;
● supplant nounisms (nominalisations) with healthier vigorous verb equivalents (eg ‘invitation’ with ‘invite’);
● dispense with archaisms such as ‘aforesaid’, ‘herein’, ‘thereby’, ‘whereafter’;
● find ways to introduce useful visual elements (eg lists). Fundamentally, we wordsmiths will be asking – and answering – the questions ‘Who is the audience?’ and ‘What are their needs?’ In so doing, we’ll be using the reader-centric approach authors should have adopted.

Click here to register

About the presenter

John Linnegar

John Linnegar began his career as a teacher of English, History and Mathematics. His passion for working with words was ignited by his high school teachers of English, Latin and German. Those strong grammatical foundations combined with a love of his mother tongue led him towards authorship and, as a direct result, towards improving authors’ texts for publication. He has been an avid ‘improver of authors’ words’ for four decades now, and remains dedicated to making their texts read as clearly as possible (and in the process saving a reputation or two!).

John is author of several texts dealing with matters grammatical and stylistic, including contributions to the Oxford English grammar: The advanced guide (OUP, 2015) and, most recently, with Ken McGillivray, grammar, punctuation and all that jazz . . . (MLA Publishers, 2019). He currently offers a personalised ‘online’ Grammar for Editors course aimed at those who need to brush up their English grammar and an online training course on Plain Language.

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