27 September 2014: Southern SIG meeting

Fall kick-off

Time: 1pm onwards

Location: Eindhoven

Lunch will be held at the NatLab, Strijp-s, at 1:00pm. Your choice is from their a la carte menu. Lunch is preceded with a guided tour of the old Philips Strijp-s. Our guide is a bi-lingual Dutch/English VVV person and we start at 11:30am in the Portiersloge.

Additional information:
· Places for the guided tour are limited to 20, and priority goes to SENSE members.
· Everyone is welcome to come along and join us for lunch.
· SENSE is sponsoring the guided tour. For non-members, there shall be a small surcharge of €5, payable on the day.
· Please notify your intention to attend by email to Brian Jones, Southern SIG convenor.

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