27 January 2015: Copywriting SIG

Topic: SEO here we go!

Venue: Park Plaza Hotel, Utrecht

Starts: 7 p.m.

Costs: free

SEO: here we go!


During the upcoming copywriting SIG, we’ll focus on writing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) copy. A lot has changed the past couple of years. Moving your content up to the top three search engine results (SERP) on the first page, is no longer just a good idea, it’s essential.

Smartphones have changed the Google arena. Top SERP results are more important than ever. So is local SEO. Spam is out. High quality content is in. We’ll talk about why the Hummingbird update is important, how to use Adwords to get ahead as well as other handy SEO best practices and tools. 

Please don't forget to bring along: a load of discussion points, your own examples of SEO-optimized texts and your experience with SEO (if any!).

And please don't forget to let me know if you're coming! Mail me at: martine@anglotext.nl

The Copywriting SIG is open to all SENSE members and prospective members. Feel free to join us even if you aren't a fully-fledged copywriter! We only ask you to chip in to the discussion so that the learning experience is maximized for all attendees.

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